The Company’s Founding Partners have extensive experience in corporate finance, transactions including debt and equity, strategic planning, business infrastructure engineering, middle-market company analysis and hands-on operational experience.
The founders are former Chief Financial Officers, Chief Executive Officers, Controllers, and Senior Banking Officers.
The founding partners of Catapult are assisted, supported and advised by four highly experienced and knowledgeable Advisory Board members – all of which have extensive management experience, have owned and/or operated businesses, have raised and/or invested significant amounts of capital and have extensive experience as Board members of other corporations in the Tri-Valley. For Catapult Realty® and Catapult Wealth Advisors® – Contact Us Now.
In the performance of its advisory and consulting services, Catapult does everything possible to adhere to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the Institute of Management Consultants (IMC) standards of conduct and professionalism for consulting work and advisory services.
For interested principals only, Catapult Consulting Associates LLC ® can be reached by contacting:
Founder and President
Executive Director